Putin:Esteemed citizens of Russia!Dear friends!After a few minuteswe will meet the new,2016. yearApproaching this wonderful moment - between past and future- Is familiar to us from childhood,We are waiting for it with joy, hopeand excitementWe believe in the best and bright,By tradition, we celebrate this holiday with our familyWith our closest friends,Of course, not everyone manages to celebrate the New Year with their families,We have to work in hospitals and industries to perform the service and military duty, Protect the border,carry a constant vigil to ensure our safety on land, at sea and in the air,We are grateful to all those who, day and night, on weekdays and on holidays are always on duty,Today especially would like to congratulate those of our troops who are fighting against international terrorism,defend the national interests of Russia in the outer reaches, Displaying the will, determination, strength of character,However, these qualities we need anywhere, anytime and in any case,The success of the whole country depends on effective work and achievements of each of us,We share the same goals, the desire to benefit the homeland, the responsibility for its destiny,In the past 2015, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War,Our history, the experience of fathers and grandfathers, their unity in difficult times, and strength of spirit are a great example for us,They helped and will help us to adequately respond to modern challenges,Dear friends!Now, in the New Year night, we feel particularly acute as dear to us, our loved ones,it is important that they have all been good,that all of them were healthy, the parents were warmed by the care and attention, and return to them all the good things they have learned and taught,Let our children grow up smart, activity, and love and compassion, generosity and compassion will be a mainstay in our everyday affairs,Before the New Yearremained a few seconds,Let us wish each other success, joy and happiness,thanked each other for their understanding and support,for participation and responsivenessand be sure to thank for the prosperity and well-being of Russia!Happy holiday!Happy New 2016 Year!
Source : George Dominik
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